Thursday 1 June 2017

Vote, Dammit!

To the growing list of political and personal failings of Theresa Dismay (here seen in characteristically relaxed mood sharing a joke over dinner with Karl-Heinz Bismarck or whatever his name is) can now be added that of "coward".

Apparently she doesn't like "squabbling politicians". It makes you wonder why she still refuses to abolish Parliament, particularly as she said she called this election because she objected to its constitutional duty to scrutinise the executive.
But her scrabbling attempts to rise above the battle are daily enlarging the hole she is digging herself beneath it. She may not lose, but my God she deserves to. To make this a presidential election in the first place was grotesque; to then shirk the presidential duty of debating with her opponents is unforgivable.

So no despondency: get out and vote on June 8th!

Vote tactically not tribally and DON'T be tempted to spoil ballot papers out of frustration if, like me, you live in a first-past-the-post rotten borough. May specifically and with calculation called this election over the Brexit issue. Whatever the result, the number of votes gained nationally for anti-Brexit parties and/or candidates WILL have traction in the battles ahead.
Above all, tell queasy Remainers the same!
Remember that even a small Tory majority or a hung Parliament will be a battle won given May's complacent cynicism in calling this election and believing she has the right to win it unchallenged.

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