Tuesday 20 June 2017

Jack Shit - a personal invitation

As you may have read in the national press, I have yet another exhibition opening at Tate Modern next week. "Jack Shit" is a ground-breaking series of works based upon the national flag in these deeply troubled - yet overwhelmingly optimistic - times, and I am pleased to share this preview with you, dear Friends.
Please continue to subscribe for wonderful future offers just like this! 10% off for Tesco Clubcard holders. Foreigners, please multiply prices by two.
I do look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at TM next week. I'll be outside the Gents' as usual.
1. Black & Blue Brexit - £50,000
2. Not Waving, But Drowning - £75,000
3. Tears of a Clown - £80,000
4. Black Future - £50,000
5. And each slow dusk/A drawing down of blinds (or Brexit Sunset) - £25,000
6. Vorsprung Durch Brexit (or We Don't Even Make The Mini Any More But That Doesn't Stop Us Driving Around In BMWs With Union Jacks Plastered All Over Them As If We Did, I Mean How Delusional Is That?) - £100,000
7. Clinging on by the Fingertips - £30,000
8. Hung Out to Dry - £25,000
9. Please wipe your feet: everyone else is going to - £15,000
Buy! BUY!!!

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