Friday 9 June 2017

The Conservative and Unionist Party: a Guide

A guide to the Conservative Party's Facebook page this morning, Friday 9th June 2017. Please follow the arrows clockwise from top left.

Blue arrow: our Party's symbol is a person tangled up in a Union Jack and rushing blindly around not knowing what he or she is doing.
Green: this is a picture of our Leader and the Prime Minister of our Nation.
Yellow: this is what she does for our Nation and how she does it.

Pink: critics may be unaware that the Conservative Party's interest IS the national interest and always has been, so no cynicism please. Weren't you listening in History at school?

Grey: this is a recent front cover from our Party newspaper, 'Der Stürmer'.

Red: this is Vladimir Ilych Lenin, our founding father. Along with Lev Trotsky he developed the idea of "permanent revolution", which we have been applying assiduously ever since 24th June 2016.

Orange: sorry, haven't got a clue what that's all about.

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