Friday 2 June 2017

Let's Call a Spade a Spade, Shall We? - Number 6.

Do the Irish, Germans, Italians, Spanish, Dutch, Brazilians, Indonesians, Australians, Poles, Canadians, Norwegians, Bahamians, Argentinians or most other countries waste time on judging whether their leaders would press the nuclear button, let alone make it a condition for holding the highest office?
No, they don't: they're lucky enough to be able to take more interest in how their country is functioning.

The only difference - and our problem - is that we're a former world power which happens to have a few nuclear missiles. We amusingly call them our "independent" deterrent although it's inconceivable we'd ever use them independently. This is because (1) we shelter beneath the American nuclear umbrella and (2) we'd probably all be dead by the time Corbyn found his reading glasses. ("D'oh! - I was wearing them all the time and now we're all dead!" ... I know the feeling.)
It's an unhelpful conceit to think otherwise, so until Trump finally starts chewing the Oval Office carpet in pink slippers and a frogman's outfit, let's talk about real issues - which Corbyn does rather well - not make a fetish of button-pressing.
Please draw the appropriate conclusions.
Alternatively, vote Conservative. Go on, treat yourself: you deserve it!

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