Thursday 22 June 2017

Email exchange with Jacob Rees-Mogg MP

Since there is barely a political programme on which Jacob Rees-Mogg doesn't display his well-polished pearls, it's only fair that the nation should occasionally get the chance to answer back ...
If you're interested, Burke's speech is here, and makes VERY interesting reading. Most MPs are Remainers although all but a few bottled out over Article 50:

Dear Mr Rees-Mogg,
I just heard you say on BBC News that Parliament should be the servant not the master of the people.
Can I ask whether you consider that Edmund Burke was wrong in his address to the electors of Bristol in 1774?
If so, what principle best replaces it, in your view?

(from R-M's Parliamentary assistant)
Dear Mr Roberts
Many thanks for your email.
As Jacob receives so much correspondence he must prioritise his constituents. However, I will ensure that your message is passed to him and if he gets the opportunity he will reply to you.
With best wishes,

My response:

Dear S,
Thank you for your prompt response to my email to Mr Rees-Mogg. I do appreciate the heavy workload of an MP and the need to address local correspondence.
However, this is a matter of great national significance. As Mr Rees-Mogg often takes time away from his constituency concerns to speak to us all using the national media, on this occasion I will be most grateful for a response from him.
Best regards,
Peter Roberts

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