Tuesday 20 June 2017

Has anyone seen my MP?

Time to contact Steve Baker MP again:
From time to time I've written to my MP Steve Baker (Con, Wycombe) about Brexit and specifically the difficulty of Remainers being able to have intelligent, civilised and polite debate on Leavers' forums (quite apart from anywhere else). As his constituent I've three times asked Baker, a leading Leaver, for advice about where I and others can go to do this. I sent him some quotations from Leavers from my and others' discussions with them. 
Not only has Baker not replied, but more and more Remainers are complaining of the sheer rudeness, nastiness, bigotry and - I'll spit it out - lumpen-stupidity that passes for debate among the 52% whose vote we are instructed so highly to honour and before the presence of whose democratic majesty our "representatives" so weakly prostrated themselves.
Ron Hollis's post earlier today [on The 48%] reminded me that the absence of basic civilised values, the politically-correct indulgence of anti-social morons and the toleration of bad argument combine to be one of the most significant aspects of the whole shoddy Brexit business. We need to put it out there: to Leavers at the top of all parties, to the Government and to the media. We need to build a consensus around publicising bigotry that says that we will NOT be led into oblivion with these people, and we need to make sure it gains leverage. I will be seeing who best to write to and engage with. You are welcome to offer me advice or support here or on my FB page.
This is not about refighting the Referendum; it is about addressing clear and present needs as the implications of Brexit become clear.
The email - sent to Baker again yesterday evening - follows, though I will well understand if you don't wish to plough through it!

19th June 2017
Dear Steve Baker,
Congratulations on your re-election and appointment as a junior minister in the Brexit Department.
For a third time I am, as your constituent, requesting your considered and honest attention to my email below, which speaks for itself. I have not had the courtesy of a reply from you and I am not going to give up.
If necessary I will request that it is published as an open letter to you in the local press or more widely.
Once again, I will also be grateful for a thoughtful and honest answer to my Addendum concerning the exercise of UK sovereignty where it is untrammelled by the EU.
Please favour me with a substantive reply this time. My original email and my chaser email follow my salutation below.

1st June 2017
Dear Steve Baker,
Thank you for your election leaflet, which I received this morning.
It reminded me that I haven't yet had a reply to the email I sent you on 16th April in which, as a constituent, I asked for some advice from you as well as your opinion about how well you think the UK compares to other major European nation states in areas where we have full or barely-limited sovereignty. The email is copied below.
I will be grateful to receive a considered response from you.
Peter Roberts

16th April 2017
Dear Steve Baker,
As you are my MP I wrote to you (and all MPs) some time ago with a considered case – based partly on Burke’s representative principle, with which you have personally told me you agree – why Parliament should reject leaving the EU following last year’s advisory Referendum. I also appended a list of areas of UK governance in which the EU has little or no say and asked you kindly to judge how we compare in our exercise of sovereignty in these matters to similar EU nations. You didn’t respond to either, which is your prerogative, but as your constituent I hope you will now give me some advice. (I append it again: will you kindly favour me with a substantive response this time?)
Like a number of other Remainers, I have several times gone online and tried politely to engage Leavers in a constructive debate about the case for Brexit, the reasons why they voted for it, the nature of the calling of the EU Referendum, the campaigns, the future state of the Union, the likely economic, social and cultural consequences of leaving the EU and so on. In my case, with the exception of a nice lady in the Midlands, the responses have been one, some or, I’m sad to say, too often all of the following:
1. Demonstrably ignorant;
2. Confused and incoherent;
3. Intemperate and incoherent;
4. Rude and/or abusive;
5. Semi-literate;
6. Notwithstanding all the above, either unwilling or unable to have a serious debate in a spirit of goodwill.
Others I know have expressed reasonable opinions online and have been “trolled” and intimidated by sometimes hundreds of self-styled “nationalists”. A Frenchman who was foolish enough to go onto what appeared a mainstream pro-Brexit page to point out the origin of the term “Great Britain” was told this:
“Hey prick we had a massive empire, and I don’t need a foreign Arsehole [sic] giving me history lessons. So here is one for you. We in Great Britain have voted Brexit and will be sticking two fingers up at the likes of you.”
A Leaver who challenged me on my own Facebook page (“Hooray!” I thought. “At last – now let’s have some democratic debate!”), on being sent a link to where I set out my case against leaving the EU, responded thus: “I am not interested in you or your opinions ... I don’t give a flying fuck.”
I wouldn’t be writing to you if I thought that these were just a few rotten apples. There is a poisonous atmosphere of ignorance, hatred and the worst kind of bigoted nationalism out there. Are these the people Nigel Farage meant when, expecting to lose last June, he intimated (threatened?) social unrest and violence if the result was to be 52%-48%. Oh the irony!
I don’t for a minute think that you condone this kind of behaviour – but I ask you to admit that it is widespread. Like it or not, these are your people; as you have said, you consider yourself mandated by them.
Most if not all Remainers I know are civilised, thoughtful and polite people who, with a few exceptions I admit, can hold and express an opinion with reasonable coherence, tend not to tell people to “fuck off” before they have been properly introduced, and are not using the narrow Leave victory as an excuse for violence, hatred and bigotry. Rather than stew in our own juices we are desperate to be able to engage sensibly with our opponents and to debate with them in a decent spirit (and yes, to persuade them through argument not intimidation that they have made an appalling and historic mistake). We aren’t going away and we have some very formidable (metaphorical) weapons in our armoury - which we will use.
So to my request for your advice: where, in your opinion, should Remainers who want to have a sensible, polite and potentially productive online debate with Leavers go? Where do intelligent Leavers go to debate among themselves - for as everyone knows, there is a range of opinions in your camp?
I look forward to your response, thank you for your time and wish a Happy Easter to you and yours.
Peter Roberts

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