Tuesday 15 February 2022

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Different time, different place, same danger - yet Labour are silent

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Different time, different subject, same danger - yet Labour are silent. 

Here's a very interesting book about how Americans in Germany viewed the rise of the Nazis and Hitler's regime.

Read this exchange between US reporter Edgar Mowrer and a young, male Nazi in a bar, described by his wife, Lilian, just before Hitler became German Chancellor.

Then ask yourself whether you've had or heard conversations like it since 2016 - or earlier. 

Then ask, given Keir Starmer's refusal even to consider challenging the lies, deceit and bogus simplicities propagated by those seeking control of our own country, who is there to support and lead the majority of us who know we've been had.

Then ask Starmer himself - and your local Labour Party. 


Mowrer: 'Where did you learn all this interesting stuff about the Jew?' 

Young Nazi: 'Everybody in Germany knows that the Jews are our misfortune.'* 

M: 'But just how? Why?' 

YN: 'There are too many of them. And then, Jews are not people like the rest of us.' 

M: 'But in my country the proportion of Jews is much higher than in Germany. But we lost no war, have not starved, not been betrayed to foreigners, have suffered none of the evils you attribute to the presence of the Jews in Germany. How do you account for this?'

YN:' We don't account for it. We simply know it is true ... no matter how hard the Jew works, he won't be on top for long. '

M: 'So you admit the Jew works harder?' 

YN: 'Of course' 

M: 'But doesn't the hardest worker deserve the best jobs?' 

YN: 'Yes - that is, no; not if he is a Jew.' 

M: 'Is that logical, is that clear thinking?' 

YN: 'Ach, THINKING! We are sick of thinking. Thinking gets you nowhere.'


* 'Die Juden sind unser Unglueck' is a direct quote from one of Goebbels' main slogans.


  1. It was also said that the 'best' Nazis were those who just politely got on with their lives. They did not rebel. They might grumble, but they knuckled down and kept their heads below the parapet. I do not see mass riots anywhere, as slowly, our civic rights are removed and people like me face the prospect of losing our UK citizenship with no appeal. The UK is full of 'good Nazis'.

  2. Interesting to see that the American reporter's name is Mowrer which is the Anglicised spelling of the original German name, Maurer (i.e. bricklayer BUT also 'a Freemason').

    The final point about thinking is, of course, the same as 'we are sick of experts'.

    Will try to buy the book.

  3. That is sadly prescient of the situation in the UK. I just despair.

  4. The one thing I am utterly convinced of is that Homo stultus is not only incapable of learning the Lessons of History but totally unwilling to do so.
    There can be no future for a species that is unable to adapt, evolve, respond to reality.

  5. Not sure I have the stomach to read the book, any more than I have the stomach for the fascists' ongoing screwing of the UK and it's people. It is quite familiar to things I have heard about happening in my old home. Fortunately, I am well away from these people, though they surely exist in France, I don't know any, I don't think. Interesting and scary stuff.

  6. I was born at a time when we could hear these stories first hand. My Nan was involved in Cable Street and had the paperwork to prove it, how soon those that would like to repeat the fascist rise to power try to pretend it never happened.

    1. Yes, when those who were alive have all died, it can be securely locked away as history and something to be forgotten about. This is why many Jews fear the death of the last survivor of the Holocaust.
