Wednesday 16 February 2022

INSECURE BREXITERS, Number 86: Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition and Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras.

Keir Starmer hates Brexit. He fought it. He was angered by the useless Corbyn's obstruction of the Remain campaign in 2016 and his pusillanimity thereafter. He stood on platforms in front of hundreds of thousands after the great anti-Brexit marches in London and spoke passionately against it up and down the country.

In short, Keir Starmer that MOST insecure of Brexiters: a Rejoiner. 

Except he dare not say it. So he's decided to lie instead, saying this to BBC Radio Newcastle this week:

'We have exited the EU and we are not going back ... there’s no case for rejoining. What I want to see now is not just Brexit done in the sense that we are technically out of the EU. I want to make it work. I want to make sure that we take advantage of the opportunities and that we have a clear plan for Brexit. So that’s what I’m working on.' 

I see the logic from the Labour Party's own perspective. It was thrashed at the last election and lost swathes of formerly safe seats to people who were prepared to lie to voters. It needs to get them back, and it faces the worst, most incompetent, dishonorable and mendacious government in our history as a democracy. It has seen that, in today's Britain, lying works! 

But Starmer is still a Rejoiner. 

I suspect he has a longer-term plan when - if - he wins the next election, about which I have doubts.

And even if Labour does win it, it will be on a minority of votes. This will be politically significant if Starmer then tries to start undoing Brexit or take us back into the Single Market and/or Customs Union, because Brexiters will forever (and wrongly, and hypocritically) conflate the mandate conferred by the absolute majority in the  EU Referendum with that conferred by a minority of votes in a general election. The press and the full force of the Brexiters will be turned away from fighting each other to fighting Labour. 

But Starmer's right: he needs a majority. 

Here's a more honest way to get one, to begin the fightback and to represent the majority of citizens Starmer has repeatedly failed to represent in his race for the bottom and who are crying out for a leading politician to stare the bleeding obvious and lead, at long last, from the front. 

He must begin talks with his own party to change its rules and then with the LibDems and Greens to form a progressive electoral alliance. It must be EXPLICITLY built around the need to undo the damage wrought not just by Brexit but by a corrupt, malicious government and an antiquated, unsuitable constitution. 

It must call out the lies that won the 2016 Referendum. 

It must clearly explain why and how Brexit is damaging the UK. 

It must commit to electoral reform, with a constitutional convention to look at the options and regional conversations feeding into it. 

Best of all, there won't need to be any lies, which is what Starmer is doing if, as I believe, his long term plan IS anti-Brexit. We've all had too much deceit recently and it must stop.


  1. This needs to happen but Starmer and Labour are not going to give up all the personal sponsorship that they get. We need a non-partisan movement based around established local people who are supported into elected positions and can be sacked if they break the rules. Establish two or three core principles that ALL must work towards and let the secondary issues be determined by wards/constituencies locally.
    Labour is a faithful old car that can no longer be repaired, it's time for a new one.

  2. Right now we have to go with the parties and leaders we have. First Past the Post devours new parties.
