Tuesday 15 February 2022

INSECURE BREXITERS, Number 85: Mark Jenkinson, Conservative MP for Workington.

Like so many new Tory MPs, Mark Jenkinson - seen here on the far right welcoming our corrupt prime minister to west Cumbria - benefited from both the neo-Trotskyist hollowing out of the Conservative party and free movement of people (for Brexiters, at least) when he made the short, well-oiled journey from losing UKIP candidate in 2015 to winning Tory candidate in 2019, earning him the open congratulations of Nigel Frottage who, along with fellow world statesmen Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, no doubt saw it as a job well done. 

Leaving Ireland aside, Jenkinson's is pretty well the English constituency furthest from the EU, but clearly even that isn't far enough for the former nuclear industry contractor, who is all in favour of opening a new coal mine in his area despite winning votes on a manifesto committed to achieving Net Zero. Indeed, he was still championing the government's "Green Industrial Revolution" as recently as November 2020. The Government's botched Brexit deal was a price worth paying for the fact that, to use Jenkinson's historically questionable statement on his website, the UK is 'a newly sovereign country'.

And on the subject of elections, Jenkinson complains about Labour running Cumbria County Council on a minority of the vote, conveniently forgetting that it doesn't (it's in coalition with the Liberal Democrats because the Tory Kippers failed to build one around their bonkers ideology, despite winning more seats). He also ignores the fact that his own government has an 80-seat elective dictatorship on a minority of the vote, and that he is himself an MP on a minority of the vote. So will he campaign to end such unfairness across our electoral system? What do YOU think?

For Jenkinson, eager to raid the pots of Westminster money that were denied his area by the party he now represents for so long that its people - with his help - took out their anger on the EU, which was just about the only body that ever DID give a toss, it's all about "levelling up". 

But how can you "level up" the poorest areas while simultaneously bringing the whole country to its knees, Mark?

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