Monday 14 February 2022


It's official! Rees-Mogg's new post has no responsibilities ... 

As befits a man who has been shirking responsibility for his actions - and who gets mighty uptight, not to say nasty and petulant - when the plebs demand one or two of them, the new "Ministry of State for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency" web page contains a lovely biography of Jacob but, under the heading "Responsibilities", a long, yellow streak of absolutely nothing. No, not a single one! 

This confirms two things:

1. The role was dreamed up on the spur of the moment to detract from the governmental calamities in which Jacob has played such a major and pivotal role. 

2. They - and he - have never had any idea what opportinities Brexit DOES offer, even six years down its rutted track. 

No wonder he's seeking "the wisdom of crowds" - for, as Winston once observed (Winston Smith, I mean, not Winston Churchill), "If there is any hope, it lies in the Proles." 

A blank sheet to lie on: now I know why the old chancer won't stop grinning! 

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a Liar, a Hypocrite and a Coward.

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