Thursday 27 April 2017

That Dirty Maggie May

John Maynard Keynes: "When the facts change, I change my opinion."
Theresa May: "When my opinion changes, I change the facts."

If May really did call a general election "reluctantly" then it's the greatest display of reluctance since Operation Barbarossa.

As for "The country is coming together; Westminster is not": the country is coming together as enthusiastically as a couple in an arranged marriage of 30 years whose mutual loathing has deepened with time and who weren't able to book two single rooms at a B&B.

As for Westminster ...
- The Labour Party is completely useless;
- The Liberal Democrats have only 9 seats;
- The SNP are only doing what they did when Theresa May was adamant that there would be no snap election (i.e. yesterday);
- The "unelected" [sic] House of Lords (for which, by the way, a very good conservative case can be made) has no power when push comes to shove anyway - as they have so recently and pusillanimously shown.
In other words, she's lying again.

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