Thursday 17 February 2022

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Copied from my Facebook page:



Wednesday 16 February 2022

INSECURE BREXITERS, Number 86: Sir Keir Starmer, Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition and Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras.

Keir Starmer hates Brexit. He fought it. He was angered by the useless Corbyn's obstruction of the Remain campaign in 2016 and his pusillanimity thereafter. He stood on platforms in front of hundreds of thousands after the great anti-Brexit marches in London and spoke passionately against it up and down the country.

In short, Keir Starmer that MOST insecure of Brexiters: a Rejoiner. 

Except he dare not say it. So he's decided to lie instead, saying this to BBC Radio Newcastle this week:

'We have exited the EU and we are not going back ... there’s no case for rejoining. What I want to see now is not just Brexit done in the sense that we are technically out of the EU. I want to make it work. I want to make sure that we take advantage of the opportunities and that we have a clear plan for Brexit. So that’s what I’m working on.' 

I see the logic from the Labour Party's own perspective. It was thrashed at the last election and lost swathes of formerly safe seats to people who were prepared to lie to voters. It needs to get them back, and it faces the worst, most incompetent, dishonorable and mendacious government in our history as a democracy. It has seen that, in today's Britain, lying works! 

But Starmer is still a Rejoiner. 

I suspect he has a longer-term plan when - if - he wins the next election, about which I have doubts.

And even if Labour does win it, it will be on a minority of votes. This will be politically significant if Starmer then tries to start undoing Brexit or take us back into the Single Market and/or Customs Union, because Brexiters will forever (and wrongly, and hypocritically) conflate the mandate conferred by the absolute majority in the  EU Referendum with that conferred by a minority of votes in a general election. The press and the full force of the Brexiters will be turned away from fighting each other to fighting Labour. 

But Starmer's right: he needs a majority. 

Here's a more honest way to get one, to begin the fightback and to represent the majority of citizens Starmer has repeatedly failed to represent in his race for the bottom and who are crying out for a leading politician to stare the bleeding obvious and lead, at long last, from the front. 

He must begin talks with his own party to change its rules and then with the LibDems and Greens to form a progressive electoral alliance. It must be EXPLICITLY built around the need to undo the damage wrought not just by Brexit but by a corrupt, malicious government and an antiquated, unsuitable constitution. 

It must call out the lies that won the 2016 Referendum. 

It must clearly explain why and how Brexit is damaging the UK. 

It must commit to electoral reform, with a constitutional convention to look at the options and regional conversations feeding into it. 

Best of all, there won't need to be any lies, which is what Starmer is doing if, as I believe, his long term plan IS anti-Brexit. We've all had too much deceit recently and it must stop.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Different time, different place, same danger - yet Labour are silent

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Different time, different subject, same danger - yet Labour are silent. 

Here's a very interesting book about how Americans in Germany viewed the rise of the Nazis and Hitler's regime.

Read this exchange between US reporter Edgar Mowrer and a young, male Nazi in a bar, described by his wife, Lilian, just before Hitler became German Chancellor.

Then ask yourself whether you've had or heard conversations like it since 2016 - or earlier. 

Then ask, given Keir Starmer's refusal even to consider challenging the lies, deceit and bogus simplicities propagated by those seeking control of our own country, who is there to support and lead the majority of us who know we've been had.

Then ask Starmer himself - and your local Labour Party. 


Mowrer: 'Where did you learn all this interesting stuff about the Jew?' 

Young Nazi: 'Everybody in Germany knows that the Jews are our misfortune.'* 

M: 'But just how? Why?' 

YN: 'There are too many of them. And then, Jews are not people like the rest of us.' 

M: 'But in my country the proportion of Jews is much higher than in Germany. But we lost no war, have not starved, not been betrayed to foreigners, have suffered none of the evils you attribute to the presence of the Jews in Germany. How do you account for this?'

YN:' We don't account for it. We simply know it is true ... no matter how hard the Jew works, he won't be on top for long. '

M: 'So you admit the Jew works harder?' 

YN: 'Of course' 

M: 'But doesn't the hardest worker deserve the best jobs?' 

YN: 'Yes - that is, no; not if he is a Jew.' 

M: 'Is that logical, is that clear thinking?' 

YN: 'Ach, THINKING! We are sick of thinking. Thinking gets you nowhere.'


* 'Die Juden sind unser Unglueck' is a direct quote from one of Goebbels' main slogans.

INSECURE BREXITERS, Number 85: Mark Jenkinson, Conservative MP for Workington.

Like so many new Tory MPs, Mark Jenkinson - seen here on the far right welcoming our corrupt prime minister to west Cumbria - benefited from both the neo-Trotskyist hollowing out of the Conservative party and free movement of people (for Brexiters, at least) when he made the short, well-oiled journey from losing UKIP candidate in 2015 to winning Tory candidate in 2019, earning him the open congratulations of Nigel Frottage who, along with fellow world statesmen Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, no doubt saw it as a job well done. 

Leaving Ireland aside, Jenkinson's is pretty well the English constituency furthest from the EU, but clearly even that isn't far enough for the former nuclear industry contractor, who is all in favour of opening a new coal mine in his area despite winning votes on a manifesto committed to achieving Net Zero. Indeed, he was still championing the government's "Green Industrial Revolution" as recently as November 2020. The Government's botched Brexit deal was a price worth paying for the fact that, to use Jenkinson's historically questionable statement on his website, the UK is 'a newly sovereign country'.

And on the subject of elections, Jenkinson complains about Labour running Cumbria County Council on a minority of the vote, conveniently forgetting that it doesn't (it's in coalition with the Liberal Democrats because the Tory Kippers failed to build one around their bonkers ideology, despite winning more seats). He also ignores the fact that his own government has an 80-seat elective dictatorship on a minority of the vote, and that he is himself an MP on a minority of the vote. So will he campaign to end such unfairness across our electoral system? What do YOU think?

For Jenkinson, eager to raid the pots of Westminster money that were denied his area by the party he now represents for so long that its people - with his help - took out their anger on the EU, which was just about the only body that ever DID give a toss, it's all about "levelling up". 

But how can you "level up" the poorest areas while simultaneously bringing the whole country to its knees, Mark?


See link to my Facebook page (just testing options as I try to re-energise my Blog). 

Monday 14 February 2022


It's official! Rees-Mogg's new post has no responsibilities ... 

As befits a man who has been shirking responsibility for his actions - and who gets mighty uptight, not to say nasty and petulant - when the plebs demand one or two of them, the new "Ministry of State for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency" web page contains a lovely biography of Jacob but, under the heading "Responsibilities", a long, yellow streak of absolutely nothing. No, not a single one! 

This confirms two things:

1. The role was dreamed up on the spur of the moment to detract from the governmental calamities in which Jacob has played such a major and pivotal role. 

2. They - and he - have never had any idea what opportinities Brexit DOES offer, even six years down its rutted track. 

No wonder he's seeking "the wisdom of crowds" - for, as Winston once observed (Winston Smith, I mean, not Winston Churchill), "If there is any hope, it lies in the Proles." 

A blank sheet to lie on: now I know why the old chancer won't stop grinning! 

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a Liar, a Hypocrite and a Coward.


On 14th January I put in a Freedom of Information Request to Number 10 Downing Street asking for minutes to be provided of the supposed meeting held in the Downing Street garden on 20th May 2020. 

Today I received a reply from Number 10 stating that no minutes of the meeting have been found in the archives. 

The letter states, however, that 'minutes do not have to be taken for every meeting that is held in the Civil Service.' 

The letter was signed by Nicholas Howard, David Cameron's former assistant private secretary. I am unsure of his present position as he doesn't reveal it.  

It referred me to Section 12 of the Guidance on the Management of Private Office Papers.

Having checked this, Section 12 states this under 'Events which do not need to be recorded':

'In some instances meetings will be purely informal or of a social nature [sic] and no record needs to be created.' 

There is nothing on the subsequent list of these meetings that appears to cover what happened on 20th May 2020, though I imagine that the very loose criteria above will probably allow little to stick. 

So we still await Sue Grey. Remember her?