Sunday 29 January 2017

Grossbritannien Erwache!

History is back.
We live in an illusory world of consequence-free choices that is about to come to an end, and whether we like it or not.
In the next days and weeks the future - and the very meaning - of our nation will be decided. Nothing less than that. Civil wars were once fought at times like these. They may be again.
Did Leavers ever imagine that we would ever be forced into the foul maw of such a man as Donald Trump? LOOK what he is doing! Look at his arrogance, at his ignorance, at his narcissism, at his lies, at his filthy, grasping, childlike little hands, stained with his own shit and the worst detritus of modern life - at his disrespect and contempt for civilised values everywhere and not least those that created the United States of America.
Then step back a year.
Blessed with foresight, would ANYONE have exchanged the imperfections and inconveniences of the European Union (for many and such they are, but my God they PALE beside this!) to become the junior partner of the type of demagogue and the kind of ideology which is anathema to this nation's soul and which - in the end and often despite our rulers - we have always opposed?
Are we so IGNORANT that we see no comparisons between the state of the World now and the 1930s?
Are we so COMPLACENT that we will let our democratic representatives stand around wringing their hands rather than confronting with straight backs and sharp arguments the absurdity of this coming nightmare?
Are we so SELFISH that we see none but ourselves? Not just refugees, though God knows we need to, but the French, the Dutch and the Germans who all have crucial elections this year and whom we can energise by having the guts to turn our sinking ship back to port before it's too late; and not least those Americans - the MAJORITY of Americans - who are right now showing their disgust for what is being done to their country.
And do we lack the PATRIOTISM to challenge those of our own base nationalists who are so righteously bent on stealing the few rags we have left?
No pacts with the Devil! Fight. Fight BACK!
Lobby your MP to vote with their conscience and their patriotism not their narrow fears. Embarrass them: it won't be hard! Quit whingeing on social media and DO something. Make your voice heard. Argue. Debate. Show some PASSION for Christ's sake.
History is back. Be part of it or lie down under it.

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