Saturday 31 March 2018

Two cases against Brexit

Please read, digest, share, use and - if you disagree or have improvements - critically engage with my two sheets in a constructive and polite manner:

1. Why it is not undemocratic to oppose Brexit
2. Why the nation's anger is not the EU's fault.

I hope they will help you challenge the ignorance and complacency that might lead to the greatest disaster this nation has suffered in modern history - and at its own hands.

Ignore the mindless tendency among Leavers! They won't change. Focus on those who are open to rational, evidenced debate and are secure enough to be able to change their opinions as a result of it.

Challenge "soft" Remainers who, for a quiet life (fat chance!) or out of a misguided sense that to oppose Brexit is a slight against democracy, sit on their hands and call it honourable.

Challenge your MP to vote with a view to what he or she genuinely considers to be the national interest, for that is their calling in a representative democracy and they will have failed it and the nation if they dodge it.


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