Wednesday 9 November 2016

Cheer up!

Are there any reasons to hope on this dreadful day for the world?
Perhaps Trump, his cronies and his constituency - the worst and most irrefutable example of ascendant moral scum since the days of Stalin and Hitler - will turn in on themselves; but at what cost and demanding what efforts from those ready to stand up for decency and ride others' blind anger to oppose them?
Perhaps the sheer nastiness and nihilistic, ignorant, culture-free cretinism of Trump and his people will energise Europe - even those who have up to now looked to the Brexit lobby and hateful xenophobic nationalism with admiration not revulsion. Perhaps the threat Trump poses to the world will force us Europeans to come together and fill the dangerous vacuum that we may otherwise become. Trump has said that we shouldn't shelter under the USA's umbrella - so let's not.
Perhaps, from a British perspective, it will become clearer than it would under a Clinton presidency that both Trump and the Quitter lobby suckle from the same toxic tit; that to wallow - as Farage has and will - in Trump's filth will slowly turn both our Government and decent Brexiteers back from the disaster unfolding on this side of the Atlantic. So let's stand back and watch Farage summon a hundred thousand people to "bow the judiciary to the will of the British people" on 5th December, and then let people draw their conclusions!
Perhaps both the Americans and we will finally ask what the hell has happened to our "Anglo-Saxon" societies, to our families, our kids and our educational systems that turns out people who let such a vile bastard trump thought and decency with little more than a snap of his fingers.
Above all, Trump's victory must energise all of us, whatever our politics. Join lobbies, write letters, pledge money, challenge bigotry, make opposition a public act; support morally and practically those in all four UK nations - and in the US, and on the continent - who take a stand: over here the Gina Millers, the Will Huttons, the Ken Clarkes - and MPs of any party brave and true enough to our constitution to say "enough".

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