Saturday 30 January 2016

The Eighth Deadly Sin

I hope you'll find the following amusing but even more concerning, because it's worth asking whether we are turning out citizens who can think as well as cram disaggregated and promptly-forgotten knowledge for the purpose of passing exams, leaving a dangerous vacuum thereafter.
I've been covering some Religious Studies lessons at school. One of the lessons was to look at and define Christianity's 'Seven Sins' and their corresponding virtues. The lesson plan said that the pupils should research in their dictionary and then write down the definitions of each Sin. In a class of 25 about a third wrote the following (or a version so close to it as to make no difference):

ANGER: a strong emotion brought on by a person or event that causes one great pain or trouble.
PRIDE: a sense of one's own value that is too high.
GREED: a great desire for more wealth and possessions than one needs or deserves.
LUST: a strong desire for something or someone.
ENVY: a feeling of wanting what someone else has.
GLUTTONY: a habit of excessive eating and drinking.
SLOTH: a mammal that spends its entire life in trees, using its long claws to hang upside down. Sloths live in the tropical rain forests of Central and South America. They move very slowly, and their long fur turns green from algae growing in it. Sloths are related to armadillos and anteaters.

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